from Sailor Moon SuperS ![Queen Neherenia]( Queen Neherenia During the Silver Millennium, Queen Neherenia had a battle against Queen Serenity and the moon. This battle left Neherenia trapped/sealed in the "darkness of the New Moon" in the form of a mirror. She needs the Golden Crystal, which is actually the horn of the Pegasus to set her free. She sends her minions, the Dead Moon Circus, to find it for her. Although it was never really revealed in the anime... it is beleived by some that Neherenia might have been the sister of Queen Serenity, making her Sailor Moon's aunt. I repeat might. As far as I know, it was never really revealed to be the truth or not. Neherenia doesn't just appear in SuperS, her storyline continues into Sailor Stars. At the end of SuperS, she is once again trapped in the mirror. In the beginning of Sailor Stars, she is again released. She ends up kidnapping Mamoru, who is now under her control thanks to a piece of Neherenia's dream mirror getting into one of his eyes. When Sailor Moon comes for her man, she confronts Neherenia, where she is of course defeated.
![Zirconia]( Zirconia How many of you thought from first sight that Zirconia was a man? *raises hand* Me! Imagine my surprise when I found out it was really a lady... ewwww! Anyway... Zirconia worked for Queen Neherenia, as the leader of the Dead Moon Circus. She and her Amazon Trio and Amazoness Quartet are looking for the Pegasus, so they can get it's horn and release their Queen. Since Pegasus hides in people's dreams, they must find people that have "beautiful dreams" that Pegasus might be in. When Neherenia is finally released, she destroys the no longer useful Zirconia.
![AmazonTrio]( Amazon Trio- Tigers Eye,Hawks Eye,Fish Eye As part of the Dead Moon Circus, these three lads are the first group to help Ziorconia find Pegasus, in order to free Neherenia. They are Tigers Eye, Hawks Eye and Fish Eye. The three weren't always humans. They were, you guessed it... a tiger, hawk and fish. Ziorconia tells them that it's only a spell that makes them look human, and if they kept failing in their missions, the spell would break and they would resort back their original forms. The trio's method would be to pin-point their victims weaknesses and take advantage of that. This way, it was easy to do whatever they had to do to find out if Peagsus was hiding in their dreams, by looking in the person's dream mirror. When they were done with their victim, they would then have a lemure try and kill them... which helps in his getaway, for the monster keeps the senshi busy when trying to fight it. TIGERS EYE: Tigers Eye was the first one to get to work. His choice of victim was pretty young women. He is quite the ladies man. He apparently thinks he's god's gift to women too. Well, maybe he could be... if it wasn't for that "maniacal giggle" of his. HAWKS EYE: Hawks Eye came next. He liked to victimize older women. He's the "tough guy" in the group and often argued with Tigers Eye on what victim to choose next. His ego is almost a big as Tigers Eye's, ha. FISH EYE: Fish Eye was the pretty boy of the group. Because he was so effeminate and lovely, he often dressed in female clothing and was very convincing as a woman. Because of his being gay, he often got a lot of flack from the other more "macho" members of the group (boy can I really relate...). His prefered victims was young men. Fish Eye was the first of the trio to discover that they didn't have dream mirrors... this is how they find out what they really are.
![AmazonQuartet]( Amazoness Quartet The Amazoness Quartet was a group of cute girls who took over after the Amazon Trio failed. Their mission was also to find Pegasus in people's dream mirrors so they could get the Golden Crystal to free Neherenia. They posed themselves as circus acrobats. They use the Amazon Stones, which look like oversized billiard balls. The balls are used by shooting them at their victims back which then lets the dream mirror come out of the victims chest. When the Senshi face Zirconia in a battle, the Quartet get trapped in a web that drains their energy for Zirconia's own use. Because of this, they side with the senshi to help fight her. Weakened by the fight, Ziroconia is destroyed by a newly freed Neherenia... that's also the last we see of the Quartet as they go off with Pegasus, however, in the manga the quartet sort of become senshi themselves. JUNJUN Named after the asteroid Juno, JunJun is the equal to Sailor Jupiter. CERECERE Named after the asteroid Ceres, CereCere is the equal to Sailor Venus. She is the "leader" of the Amazoness Quartet. PARAPARA Named after the asteroid Pallas, ParaPara (also spelled PallaPalla) is equal to Sailor Mercury. She is responsible for turning Usagi into a child and Chibi-Usa into a teenager for a small period. VESVES Named after the asteroid Vesta, VesVes is the equal to Sailor Mars.
Monster of the day: Lemure |